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In order to help the Mike Ilitch School of Business students and preserve the integrity of this program, we have developed the set of policies below. Your cooperation is critical to ensure the maximum number of students can benefit from the program. Failure to comply may result in holds being placed on your Career Services Account.



The Dress Closet program is available to current undergraduate and graduate who are actively taking classes at Mike Ilitch School of Business - Wayne State University.


Borrow and Return Policy

Only one suit jacket, 1 pair of suit pants and up to 2 dress shirts may be borrowed per transaction. Clothing must be returned to the Dress Closet on or before the date specified in your signed contract. All suits and accessories must be returned in the same condition as received: dry cleaned and free of odors, stains or damages, with dry cleaning receipt attached. Also, all items borrowed from the closet must be returned with a borrowing receipt attached to the dry cleaning bag. Damaged, uncleaned, lost items, or items returned without an attached dry cleaning receipt are subject to penalties to your Career Services Account. All suits are distributed on a first come, first served basis.


Cancellations, Late Returns, or Damaged Suits

When you cancel a reservation with insufficient time for another student to request that suit or you fail to retrieve your reservation, you adversely affect other Mike Ilitch School of Business students' opportunities to take advantage of the Dress Closet program. All cancellations must be communicated at least 1 business day in advance (i.e. by 1:00pm on the Friday prior to the week for which you have reserved the suit). Failure to abide by these policies will result in a policy violation. If you accrue 3 policy violations in a semester, you will no longer have access to the Dress Closet program for the semester.

Late Returns will result in a daily fee of $1.00 for the inconvenience this causes other students.


The Dress Closet attire is property of the Mike Ilitch School of Business; if a suit or clothing is lost or damaged, the borrower will be charged a flat replacement fee as well as subject to possible disciplinary action. Suits that are returned stained and/or odorous are also subject to a cleaning fee. 

A late fee of$1 per day, per item and cleaning fee of $12 per item. 


Methods of Payment

If you are late in returning an item or if an item is not dry cleaned, you will have a fee that must be paid upon your return. We will only accept cash or money order. You will receive a receipt to acknowledge your payment.

Request Form

You can make a reservation by emailing us at In your email you must state your Name, Access ID, Telephone Number, Request Date and Requested Items. Your request will be reviewed within 1-2 business days by a Dress Closet staff member. You will receive a confirmation email with date and time to come meet with a staff member. Item reservation is subject to availability of the size and type of item at the time of your request. Any item borrowed must be returned by the assigned due date, in a dry cleaner bag with attached dry cleaning receipt. Please factor a trip to/processing of a dry cleaning order into your borrowing plans.

All suits and accessories must be returned in the same condition as received: dry cleaned and free of odors, stains or damages, with dry cleaning receipt attached. Damaged, uncleaned, lost items, or items returned without an attached dry cleaning receipt are subject to penalties to your Career Services Account.
Recommended Dry Cleaner:
University Dry Cleaner
4704 Cass Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 831-9799

Dry Cleaning

What is the Dress Closet?

The Dress Closet is the Career Planning and Placements professional attire borrowing program for current undergraduate and graduate students. A variety of suits, dress shirts, and other professional attire is available to rent through the program. The Dress Closet attire has been made available to students through generous donations from alumni, faculty, staff, and current students and parents in the Wayne State community.


What if my size is not available?

The availability of your size is based on time of request and inventory. We have approximately 1-2 suits in sizes across the men's and women's ranges. Reservation of items is first come, first served. It is possible that your size may be checked out by another student at the time of request. Further, the Dress Closet inventory comprises of donated items, so number of sizes varies depending on the items we receive. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that at the time of your request, your size will be available. However, we will make our best effort to meet your needs based on what is available when we receive your request.


How will I know if the suit fits?

Once your reservation is confirmed, you will have the opportunity to try on your reserved items when you come to the Dress Closet to pick them up.


How do I make a reservation?

Reservations are made through an online request form or by sending our office an email at with details of what items you are looking for. Reservations will also be taken at the Dress Closet office during its hours of operation.


Where and when can I pick up my suit?

Your pick up time will be specified in an email after your request form has been processed. All pick-ups will occur during specified business hours or by reservation.


Where and when do I drop off my suit?

A return date will be specified in your request form. You may drop your suit off at the Career Planning and Placement front desk or during Dress Closet specified hours of operation. A front desk attendant must process your return. All borrowed items must be returned in dry cleaner bags with the dry cleaner receipt and borrowing receipt attached.


Do I have to dry clean the borrowed items before I return them?

Yes. Every item in our inventory has been dry cleaned, and all users must dry clean items before returning them. There is no rental fee associated with the Dress Closet program, but all borrowed items must be returned in a dry cleaner bag with attached receipt by the specified return date. We recommend using the University Dry Cleaners (4704 Cass Ave), the closest dry cleaner to campus, though you are welcome to use any dry cleaner convenient for you. Suits cost approximately $8-10 to dry clean, and can take between 1-2 business days to be processed. Your assigned return date takes this time frame into consideration. Please factor the cost and time for cleaning into your plans when you make your reservation.


What if I return an item that hasn't been dry cleaned, or for which I have lost or wasn't given a receipt?

Any borrowed item that is returned without a receipt from the dry cleaner, or uncleaned, is subject to a cleaning fee of $12 per item. Fees will be held against your Career Planning & Placement Account until paid.


Can I reserve more than one suit at a time?

No. We have a limited inventory of available suits and sizes. Students are limited to one suit per transaction.


What happens if I can't return my suit on time?

Please notify the Dress Closet Staff if you know you will not be able to make your return deadline. Exceptions for challenging or unexpected circumstances may be granted on a case by case basis, but in general, late returns will result in a $1.00 per day late fee for the inconvenience to other students who may be waiting for loaned items. Late fees are charged directly to your student account.


What do I do if I stain the suit or rip the hem?

When you complete the online policy agreement and request form, you give your consent that the items borrowed will be returned in the same condition at the time of check out. If the suit you borrow is stained or damaged beyond cleaning or repair, a flat replacement fee will be charged and held against your Career Planning & Placement Account until paid. Suits that are returned stained and/or odorous are also subject to a cleaning fee.                


What happens if the suit is stained or damaged when I get it?

All Dress Closet items are examined by staff upon donation and when returned. When you pick up your items, you and the staff member should examine them prior to leaving the Dress Closet for any defects or issues. If you notice a stain, tear, or other damage to the suit when you pick it up, notify a staff member before you leave. Otherwise, you may incur a charge for the damage.


What do I do if I lose a suit?

All attire in the Dress Closet inventory is property of the Mike Ilitch School of Business. There will be a flat replacement fee for a lost suit or one damaged beyond repair during the borrowing period.


I don't need the suit anymore. What should I do?

If you no longer need the suit, contact us immediately to cancel your reservation. Doing so will make the item available to other students who may need it. 


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